... I don' t know. I'm Chrisseh, how's that? Look in the dictionary next to Chrisseh, my pic should be there. If not, it's a generic and unholy dictionary that needs to be burned for fuel to power machinery to build my castle!

Age 39, Female

Graphic Design

Daytona State

Wisconsin, USA

Joined on 5/17/04

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1,700 / 1,880
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Aww... I'm sorry for you, maybe it helps you to hear that i nearly severed my toe and that i have to take horribly tasting antibiotics every day.

And, for you question, an elaborate skull/dragon or other animal with a catching text under/above next or through it.

Ugh nasty antibiotics are nasty. I got attacked by a dog once when I was like... 9. Got my arm torn open, funny thing is, it never really hurt... I didn't look at the wounds, though I kinda wish I had because mom said there was fat hanging out and stuff and it sounded kinda cool. But yeah... I had to take some antibiotics, just to be safe... and instead of giving me the milky pink strawberry flavored stuff, I got some kind of chewable tablets. They were supposed to be lemon flavored I think, but they were nasty and they made my pee stink something awful.

As for the t-shirt idea... How about a skull AND a dragon!? =O That'd be friggin awesome. Of course, I can draw that kind of stuff, though it's not really my usual style. =/

I still can't believe you're older than me. I actually know a real simple way of coloring for the style that you do, that looks decent too! I'm sure you use photoshop, aye? Well...

1. The pen tool. Makes super clean beautiful lines. Don't know how to use it? I'll link you a tutorial.

2. On another layer color the entire thing a gray.

3. Use the dodge and burn tool (don't have to do color change for this) set at about a 10% opacity and use those to darken and lighten areas.

4. Final step. Use the color OR multiply tool (multiply is better preferred), set the opacity back at 100% percent, and just color over the areas with the colors you want them to be.



I like your banner btw.

I actually used to use those techniques for a while (dodge and burn, etc)... I use the pen tool for doing backgrounds, but I'm more comfortable with just free-handing the character line art and details... for some really hi-res stuff, or when I'm feeling shaky, I do use the line tool to get those uber sleek lines I can't get by just drawing.

Thanks for the ideas! Also, thanks @ my banner. <3

Nice! You should try to draw a dragon and a skull! Maybe a dragon crawling around and trough the skull!

You seem the type for a long chinese dragon... But hey, this is internet, you live there i live here and i don't think i can see alot of your personality trough plain text.

But i still think you would love a cake- no, a chinese dragon.

You're totally right, I am a fan of Chinese style dragons. I was thinking the same thing, with it crawling around and through the skull. SERIOUSLY! Am I really that easy to read? Maybe I need to be... more mysterious ¬_¬

The 'nice' was for your idea of a dragon and a skull, not for the arm-eating-dog who tried to eat your arm.

Kekeke, >,<

Haha I figured as much. But even if you did say "NICE" to the dog chewing on my arm, I'd be like "YAH I KNOW!" because I'm sick and weird like that. ;D

Ah, well fuck. I'm useless then, aren't I? Meh. Cath'ya around.


You must see the DarkKnight movie if you haven't... it is orgasmic. o_____o

OMG everybody keeps telling me how awesome it is. D: I wanna see it soooo so bad!

And you aren't useless. <3

I d like to see this emo girl who thinks blood smells like used batteries XD on a T shirt. It s an original funny.

LOL yeah! There's an idea xD I wonder if shirts like that would still sell, I know such characters were popular for shirts when I was in high school... >.>!

also you can check my shirt painting attempt thread on art forum to get inspiration for dragon :P <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/811193">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/8 11193</a>

also, I better start doing my own t-shirt too. I ve made a sweatshirt painting for myself and made two t shirt paintings for two buds; but I didn't made a t shirt painting for myself yet! XP

Your t-shirts are awesome. <3

of course they r still popular:) and thanks for positive comment on ma shirts.

No problem! They really are amazing, you know. <3