Lol, I doubt my sister will get her license before me, she's 4 years younger. Oh, wait a second, your little brother must also be like 4 years younger than you ;)
... I don' t know. I'm Chrisseh, how's that? Look in the dictionary next to Chrisseh, my pic should be there. If not, it's a generic and unholy dictionary that needs to be burned for fuel to power machinery to build my castle!
Age 39, Female
Graphic Design
Daytona State
Wisconsin, USA
Joined on 5/17/04
Lol, I doubt my sister will get her license before me, she's 4 years younger. Oh, wait a second, your little brother must also be like 4 years younger than you ;)
6 years, actually. >_>;
wow your should draw a suit for each system and a character ....gaming like that
... you're the same age as me, idiot... I mean... SmilingIdiot. ^_^
Yes, I should draw those things. I've been working for weeks on drawing Millie's Sega Genesis costume. Yes, isn't it weird? You'd think she'd be Xbox, but she's actually Sega. Symbolic thing, because in our generation, Sega and Nintendo were rivals. XD
well at least im not 6 years older than my little 19 years older....yeah i recal those moments when sega fans and nintendo fans stood on opposite sides of the park and any one who dared to cross would be killed....i was neutural so i did really yeah
Feh, I only have one brother... he came around and stole all the attention from ME... so when he got a little older, I told him scary stories so he wouldn't go down in the basement (Where I always hung out) and also, I dressed him up like a girl a couple times. Wig and everything. I still call him "Patricia" to this day.
Yes, I remember the Sega/Nintendo wars, too. Of course, I was sorta a fan of both, seeing as I was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog at one point. Mom wouldn't buy me a Genesis because I had a Super Nintendo and I played that too much as it was. She did, however, break down and buy me a Game Gear. ^_^ So then, I had two systems to sit around and play too much!
I got them both taken away on several occasions for throwing temper tantrums and for abusing my younger brother... >_> and those were the only times I was ever severely grounded... darkest times of my life.
Oh, so I'm not the only one who keeps writing 2007 until like end of February 08?
Also #10: How 'bout doubling your driver's license resolution? Maybe that'll help :o
Hmm... good idea. I should do that, especially since my kid brother now has his permit and is practicing more than I am... GAH! I'll never live it down if he gets his license before me! >=o