... I don' t know. I'm Chrisseh, how's that? Look in the dictionary next to Chrisseh, my pic should be there. If not, it's a generic and unholy dictionary that needs to be burned for fuel to power machinery to build my castle!

Age 39, Female

Graphic Design

Daytona State

Wisconsin, USA

Joined on 5/17/04

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All done nao!

Posted by Chrisseh-chan - July 30th, 2008

Well, I successfully completed my summer college class today. =3 Passed and all that jazz... Gots a diploma... well, a copy of the diploma, the real thing comes in the mail in however many weeks it takes.

I'm thankful that I'm done riding in the car with that crazy psycho chick(I'm being nice calling her that0... who has been overcharging me for gas. I did the math today. She was charging me $25... I should've only been paying her $10. :| Paying her was a favor (Though she did sorta insist that I pay her, I had every intention of paying her before we started carpooling but she made it clear at the beginning that I WOULD be paying her), because she wasn't really going out of the way to bring me to class... I live right by her. We were going to the same place... so yeah. I hope she enjoys the Victoria's Secret lingerie she bought with the money she saved by making me pay for her gas....(She was bragging about buying it) ANYWHO! That's why I've been so short on cash lately.

Enough with that! Now... I guess until my normal fall/winter work hours start, I'll have a little more time to draw and stuff. Though I do have another side job editing photos for a book that's going to be published... they shouldn't take me too long though. =3 Plus I get my name in the credits. Yay. <3


wow so you ll be a nurse assistant eh? in which hospital? also, kudos for book job.

Well, it's really retarded... I have to PAY to take a state exam before I can work in any federally established nursing home or hospital. >=/ The stupid local test is only once a month... so I probably wouldn't get in until October. I'm still unsure if this is really what I want to do, but it never hurts to be certified in something, right?

Congrats on your graduation and breaking any chains from that bitch... and good luck with the exam. =]

Thank you! xD

yeah, being certified in something is always good -unless you r a certified sever worker or something XD-
but yeah, i recommend you to make your REAL dreams come true, after you get the right situation.

Feh. I just want to go to school this fall... stupid tuition is due tomorrow... why it's due almost a month before classes start, I don't know. It's retarded... Dx I couldn't save anything up this summer because of that crazy bee eye tee see aych I had to pay for gas. I hate her... SO BAD! Dx

Good for you! Nice job getting away from that biatch. Fo snizzle.

Piss out, Akadra.

Yeah. I haven't seen her ugly face since... I'm so happy. ;'D I really couldn't stand her... the way she'd try to talk down to me. I actually used to babysit some kids who are like her age right now. She's the biggest joke I've ever met. Let's all point and laugh at her. LOL

congrats to ya on your progress....couldnt u get on a bus?....woulda saved you alotta money.....editing photos?....how much does that pay?

i cant find time to do anything either drinking or working i cant figure a way to get a pic done.....and my new tablet fell and the battery is messed.....and i cant find my old tablet.....so thats 500 down the drain.....but i noticed allota pics from you so i can see some good proggress in the story...im gonna get a new battery or a new tablet on friday so i might be able to get a pic done

We don't have public transportation up here. I really do live in the boonies el oh el.

I'm not getting paid to edit the photos, so I'm doing a very good job, not a fantastic job. Is there a difference? Yes... get it done decently as fast as I can. If I had known I wasn't going to get paid extra for doing it, I would've never agreed to it and she would've had to have paid a professional up the butt to get it done.