... I don' t know. I'm Chrisseh, how's that? Look in the dictionary next to Chrisseh, my pic should be there. If not, it's a generic and unholy dictionary that needs to be burned for fuel to power machinery to build my castle!

Age 39, Female

Graphic Design

Daytona State

Wisconsin, USA

Joined on 5/17/04

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1,700 / 1,880
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Posted by Chrisseh-chan - September 15th, 2008

I hate this time of year! Everybody leaves me to go off to school! Dx I've been reduced to trolling people in chat rooms for mild entertainment. Well, usually I troll other trolls, so it's okay. Whatever. I hate it, it's boring and pointless. I'd rather talk to people I actually like.

So, in conclusion, everybody needs to drop out of school/college so they can talk to me! :3 I've got all the knowledge you'd ever need, even more. DID YOU KNOW- Hard boiled eggs smell like farts because they come out of a chicken's rear!?

Right. So anyway, I got paid today. Good Ol' Uncle Sam took a big chunk out 8D Like, I had $580 before taxes, but when they were done dipping their hands in, I only had $462. I better get a fat tax refund check... But yeah, I put half in savings...paid my mom $100, so what's left in my wallet has to last me until my next paycheck.

Making dinner right now... beforehand, I made more delicious soft pretzels from scratch. They're excellent warm served with hot cheese dip! I should've made a double batch, but I really didn't have time, what with Grandma coming over for dinner and boiling the stupid lasagna noodles. I swear, I wish the stupid store in town carried those no boil noodles. They're so much easier, and just as good IMO.

As for art/comics... still working on designs for the new and improved Super Chrisseh. Jerk-faces who don't know the story and the whole "THIS IS A PARODY OF SAILOR MOON" thing keep telling me "She looks like Sailor Moon lolol" Yeah, no duh. But do you see a sailor collar? No. The ribbon is a different style, too. But they are right, it's time for something fresh. How many past posts have I made like this? =/ Oh well, I'm eating the lasagna I just made. It's delicious.

SO! For those of you who are following the story, what do you guys think of Millie as a heroine (As opposed to a Super Villain)? She's still a spoiled brat. =P El oh El.

... does any of this have a point? As usual, no. BUT whatever. Okay, I love ya buh bye. <3



Uhm... eh?

u kno what? I ll visit you this WINTER! No matter how busy you ll be, they wont take evenings from you, right? It s not only because I like you, it s also because I wanna try the food you cook ^^
So, to get my ticket and visa and passport till winter, what should I do?
1) Get ubergood grades from first exams so mom can look positive sending me across atlantic
2) Get the passport -uh.. uber long queue
3) Visa, the hardest part. I mean, they wont let me visit their country such easily, if I just want to visit a chat friend. But you can send an invitation or something like that, it helps with getting the visa, I heard.

However, if you won't stay single till winter, I think I can't visit you; because u kno, a hermit dork from a mid east country comes all the way to see you. Your bf wouldn't find it convenient. But it s okay, we ll stay as chat friends if that happens and it s okay to me :P

lol I know nothing about international travel, as I've never even been to Canada before. Lots of racists, they might give you crap at the airports. Cavity checks, etc... lmao I'm just dickin' with you. I don't think they'd go THAT far... would they? Wear clean underwear and wipe well, just in case. xD

thank god i dont have any cavity ^^ and i always wear clean.
but yet, like i said, going to USA just to visit a girl from wisconsin may come a bit lameass to consuls.
oh and i forgot one other pesky problem: ticket money!! well i dont think a ticket to USA is such cheap, especially after goddamn taliban attack to NY.

Haha do you know what a cavity search actually is? Here's a hint- It has nothing to do with teeth.

Havay should stop reporting crimes to his dentist.


LoL I actually have "criminal damage to property" in my police record from when I was a teenager. I'm so bad.

To TOAS: ...wut? also i dont have a personal dentist :P