I'm experimenting with some new software... well, not really "new", but new to me as in I've never used it. It's called SAI, and I am VERY impressed with the inking features. The coloring has potential, but it's a bit cumbersome and I think I might try using it along with Photoshop for coloring/backgrounds, as inking takes half the time in SAI and is much easier and I can color much faster in Photoshop.
Been busy lately, hanging out with friends...including some new ones -blush- Butterflies in my tummy, lolol KILL THEM! Dx
(My first work in SAI is included, from an old sketch I found in a notebook)
that sounds pretty cool
newer, better, software is allowing people to enhance there artistic creativity
do you collaborate with other artists?
I find that is the best way to improve personal ability
if you are interested I can hook you up with a bunch of artist on newgrounds
PM your response
I haven't done a collab in a while @-@ I used to do like, collab comics, and even commissions. I have a serious procrastination issue though, which I think once I get back into school (college lol) that might improve because I'm very serious about academics and I tend to stay on track a bit better, even if it means getting stuff done at the last minute, it's done in time.