Whoop. Here I am... still hangin' on. I have terrible news... D:
See, back when I was 15, I got into chat room Role Playing (RP) and I was addicted for years... usually, I do serious RP via Instant Messages only... but yeah... I kinda kicked the habit back when I was like, 19. Now I'm back on it again. It's serious... all I want to do is RP RP RP. Guess it could be worse... I could be addicted to WoW.
See, chat RP is a bit more... creative. It's more like... a collaborative story telling. Yeah... that's it. Except when you get sucky RP partners. Then it's like "Eww... why did I go with this person again?" But meh... I need to kick the habit again. It's like a drug. I NEED TO FOCUS ON MY ARTWORK! GAH I hate winter and creative blocks!
I hope I get a fat tax return this year so I can buy a new computer. =(
Oh! And sometime in March I'll be gone for a week or two, I have a job house sitting/pet sitting for a teacher on a private school campus. They do, however, have high speed internet, so I should be able to connect on my laptop. So I guess I really won't be gone... anyway.... =D MORE MONEYS, YAY!
... Which will be going towards a long needed doctors appointment. -sob-
Congrats! Still doing the job?