... I don' t know. I'm Chrisseh, how's that? Look in the dictionary next to Chrisseh, my pic should be there. If not, it's a generic and unholy dictionary that needs to be burned for fuel to power machinery to build my castle!

Age 39, Female

Graphic Design

Daytona State

Wisconsin, USA

Joined on 5/17/04

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Chrisseh-chan's News

Posted by Chrisseh-chan - September 5th, 2007

Okay, I know, Halloween is more than a month away, but it's my favorite holiday and it's never too soon to start thinking about costume ideas! This year, I don't think I'm going to volunteer at a haunted house again (though I may... undecided) because I'd rather do my own thing. Now, I've got a few ideas, and I could use a little feedback... and no, I'm not going trick-or-treating... if some of my crazy friends still lived around here, you're darn right we'd be the oldest group of trick or treaters you've ever seen! Nah, I plan to (hopefully) go bar hopping and try to either win some costume prizes, or get completely smashed and maybe meet some guys... who are under 30, that's unlikely in these parts but oh well...

Anywho, idea numero uno- Flapper Girl. I'd be like... a flapper girl. If you don't know what that is, look it up.

Idea #2- I go as Super Chrisseh and if anybody asks I'll just say "I'm Super Chrisseh... superheroine... whatever." original, and it would kinda just fit into the Super Hero genre.

Idea #3- Japanese Schoolgirl. Yeah... I did that two years in a row, I don't think I'll be doing it again...

Idea #4- I made a cute Alice in Wonderland costume two years ago and never wore it... first dress I ever made myself with a sewing machine... could use a little touching up, and I made the skirt a little too short, but hey, I'll be wearing tights and a fluffy slip, so who cares!?

Idea #5- Secret agent... or cat girl. Both very easy, and once I even combined them both at the last minute and carried a toy gun around... people were like "WTF are you supposed to be!?" and I'm like "SECRET AGENT CATGIRL THINGY!" "Oh... uhm... okay." I was like 17 and I still got candy, so who cares!?

Idea #6- Cute witch. Yeah... it's uh... a cute witch.

Those are my ideas. If you've got any other ideas to throw my way, feel free to throw them my way, or at least tell me your favorite idea! I need to start saving up to buy materials and get to sewing, because Chrisseh doesn't DO store bought costumes... I do homemade, fosho.

Posted by Chrisseh-chan - September 1st, 2007

I dunno why I chose that subject, but I did. Deal with it.

Well, as you can see, I'm drawing again... I hate when those creative blocks last several months... do they have drugs for that? Yeah, they do... but they're illegal and you only THINK you're creating works of art when in fact everything you draw looks like Picasso + Preschool fingerpaintings thrown into a blender with dog poop and then spread onto a cookie sheet, baked for 25 minutes @ 350 degrees, cooled for 15 minutes... and then vomited upon by a drunken hobo.

I went swimming today, probably the last time I'll go swimming this year, sadly... it's already September... it'll probably be snowing by the end of the month. UGH I hate snow. I wish the entire year consisted of only June, July, and August. Okay, one month of September, and maybe May.. I do kinda like fall...but not Northwood's style Septembers, I'm talking the warm Indian-Summer type Septembers like we have in Illinois, where it's actually still partially summer.

Anywho, it was kinda gross at the beach. All the ants have sprouted wings, they were crawling around in the sand, which really isn't abnormal, there are always a ton of ants crawling around, but on the shores... there were MILLIONS of dead ants... there's this little hole some kid dug near the shoreline, when the waves come up and it forms a little pool...the water was BLACK with dead ants. Which is why I swim out further away from all the icky-shore stuff.

You know, the soap opera Passions is moving to Directv only... which sucks, because I have Dish Network and I really don't think I wanna go through the trouble of switching. Grandma has Directv and I could go to her house and watch it but she doesn't have a DVR and she talks too much during shows -sigh- Once you have DVR or a Tivo, you can't live without one. It's painful watching a 2 hour action-packed movie... and you have to pee and you can't pause the tv to go because it's Pay-per-view and it's like Midnight and it's the last time it's playing for the night... blah.

In conclusion... I have no idea what I'm talking about lmao...

Posted by Chrisseh-chan - August 27th, 2007

I'm back to my old bipolar staying-up-all-night thing. I dunno how it happened... it could be the night I stayed up till 4am reading Harry Potter (I finished the last book quite a few weeks ago, so now I'm rereading the series at an amazing speed... on book 5 now, would be on 6 surely if I hadn't taken a 3 day break from it) but anywho...

I've got 10 episodes of Charmed on the DVR and I need to watch them... we're running low on disk space for recordings, and I have 2 episodes set to record every day. And the other problem is, see... I like watching television shows ALONE usually... but now my Dad is into the show... as is my brother slightly getting into it... and now my mom, too... which means if I watch an episode, I have to save it for them now, too. GRR @ my good taste in television. Time to buy some boxed sets, eh?

As for drawing, I really want to draw... but I keep getting distracted. For one, I like to draw alone at night usually, two... I keep getting distracted by other flashy things on the internet ("Oooo video game Midis!" Or "Ooo... old commercials on YouTube!"), three... I'm turning into my old bookworm self again, reading for several hours at a time, and four... those stupid Penny Press puzzle books... though some of those puzzles are just freaking impossible, I swear... I do Cryptograms, Fill-In's, and Frameworks... I like those magic square puzzles but some of the clues they give you are like "WTF" and I really wish I hadn't carelessly thrown that old thesaurus into some dark corner because I thought I'd never actually need it...

Wow, this is really turning into an off-subject rant (I'm extremely well known for these)! Back on subject though, I've also been cooking for my family all week, doing dishes, and sleeping... I borrowed a WiFi thingy from somebody today and I'm going to bring my laptop to the place across the street and try it out... -sigh-

Alright, back to watching Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo... then maybe I'll draw something! Or go to bed... whatever. I want some junk food but all we've got are some flavored triscuits... I have to have cheese spread on triscuits otherwise they just try my mouth out and it's like "BLEH". I'm not talking cheese whiz either, I mean that good stuff that comes in the little plastic tubs with flavors like "Port Wine" or "Sharp Cheddar with Beer" or even better yet- One of those cheese-balls rolled in nuts. I wish I had one... but I don't... =(

Posted by Chrisseh-chan - August 8th, 2007

Yes, I'm still alive, to all who care. Haven't gotten much (if any) drawing done lately, I've been stressed/busy. How, you ask, can I be busy when I just quit my job? ... you'd be surprised. Family up to visit, grandma is in the hospital and I'm watching my aunts dogs... turns out the mass was cancerous... but they got it in time... so she won't need chemotherapy. I want to thank those who have prayed with me for her safe recovery. =D

On a lighter note...

Funny thing happened the first day I was here watching the dogs.... the dogs woke me up out of a dead sleep, asking to be let out. It was past time for me to be getting out of bed, so I got up and let them out... there's a pen in the back connected to the rear garage door.. so I just stepped into the garage and opened the back door for them... but uh... I kinda shut the garage door into the house behind me, not realizing it was locked. I mean, I had JUST woke up... still in my pajamas and everything. After several attempts to break the door down... Hollywood police movie style (it doesn't work, btw) I went outside and tried the front door... locked. So I ran around to see if I could find a way in through one of the windows.

I managed to pop one of the basement windows out, unfortunately, I had trouble fitting inside and there was nothing for me to land on. I grabbed some rope from the garage, trying to figure out a way to climb down, but hell, I'm a chicken for heights. It wasn't really that far a fall, maybe my own body height at most, but hell I hate sprained ankles so much. I grabbed some more stuff from the garage, trying to figure out a way to pull a chair or something closer to the window for me to land on. I spent time hanging halfway into the tiny window (Thank goodness I lost all that weight... or I'd still be stuck) but finally, after crying and having an emotional argument with God, I replaced the window and looked up... I brushed the cobwebs and spiders off ...They love hanging around basement windows... stupid things... dead lady beetles, too. I hate those things, and I was covered in them, not even caring I was so desperate...

Did I forget to mention that at one point I stepped in dog poop? I did, with my new sandals . It was stinky... but it wore off from pacing in the grass. Also, my purse was inside the house... and in my purse were my cigarettes... which I was seriously craving at this point, 1 hour, 30 minutes into the ordeal...

Anywho, I looked up... above me was the bedroom where I was sleeping. I remember grandma jokingly making a comment about the hole in the screen being my cousin's way into the house... I ran into the garage and got a tiny stepladder- I managed to reach up through the hole in the screen and push the window the rest of the way open, and then popped the screen out and into the bedroom. There lie my ticket to the inside, with a soft bed pushed against the window for me to tumble onto! Alas... as I said... the stepladder was tiny... a pointless thing, really. I've worn heels that raise me up just as high... for a 1 level (not counting the basement) house, those freakin' windows are positioned hella high...

So now, my panic begins to set in yet again. I'm dripping with sweat, in my embarrassing sleepwear (baggy old plaid boxers and a tank top), filthy from kneeling into the basement window... and I was also thirsty. For those of you who don't know, I have a problem with chronic hives, if I don't take my mega dose of benedryl first thing in the morning and again early evening, I start to break out... I was too flustered to notice or feel the hives forming on my legs... and I hadn't taken my meds yet.

Then, a pickup truck pulls into the driveway next door, stopping next to the mailbox. A man... the kind of man with a pickup truck, the kind of man who has a tool shed filled with power tools and ... possibly a ladder. I ran up to his truck and explained my predicament. "I have a ladder, I'll go get it" and he did... he even held it for me while I climbed into the window and tumbled onto the bed. I thanked him and ran throughout the house, unlocking every single door. I let the dogs in, gave them each a treat, and enjoyed a well deserved cancer stick. I glanced at the clock... over 2 hours had passed since my terrible ordeal started, and I had never been happier to be stuck indoors on a summer day. My ribs were bruised and hurt for an additional 24 hours from hanging halfway into the basement window... but I guess it could be worse...